Monday, May 19, 2008

And the rest of the story

Saturday night took me over to Grantville and to a friend's fully catered home poker game. The food was fantastic. The company was great. The game was action packed. My luck was shit. I learned a new phrase from another player, "Eating like a bird and shitting like an Elephant." I mounted a significant comeback towards the end of the night, but didn't make it all the way back. I hope I will get another opportunity to try. I got rides to and from the I did not need to ride transit, though I had planned on it originally. So, I spent $0 on food and transportation. The next day would hold more of the same.
Sunday was another gorgeous day. We started it out by boarding the Hornblower Inspiration for a 2-hour brunch cruise around San Diego Bay. I had been out on the evening "booze cruise" a few times, but in all the years I had never gone out for the brunch edition. I definitely recommend it if a leisurely cruise around the harbor and a buffet meal is the kind of thing you enjoy. Not more than a few hours passed before I found myself eating yet again, this time at a friends backyard BBQ/pool party extravaganza. I should be clear that i am not actively seeking out free meals. It just happened that way.

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